Adjectives that begin with the letter O are listed in this post.
obedient, obese, objectionable, objective, obligatory, obliging, oblique, oblivious, obnoxious, obscene, obscure, obsessed, obsessive, obsolete, obstinate, obtuse, obvious
occasional, occupational, oceanfront, oceanographic, octave
odd, oddball, oddest, odious
off-again, off-balance, offbeat, off-beat, offensive, office-supply, official, off-limits, off-line, off-road, offshore, off-speed, offstage, off-year, oft-cited
oil-based, oil-price, oil-producing, oily
ok, okay
old, older, oldest, old-fashioned, old-line, old-style, old-time, olfactory, olympic
ominous, omnibus, omnipresent
on-again, on-air, on-and-off, on-board, on-campus, once-popular, once-promising, once-proud, once-rich, once-sleepy, oncoming, one-act, one-branch, one-by-one, one-click, one-day, one-family, one-fifth, one-half, one-hour, one-man, one-month, one-night, one-of-a-kind, one-on-one, one-page, one-paragraph, one-party, one-percentage-point, one-point, onerous, one-set, one-shot, one-sided, one-size-fits-all, one-stop, one-story, one-tenth, one-term, one-third, onetime, one-time, one-two, one-way, one-week, one-woman, one-word, one-year, ongoing, on-going, online, on-line, only, on-site
opaque, op-ed, open, open-ended, open-faced, open-minded, open-necked, operatic, operating-system, operational, operative, opportune, opportunistic, opposite, oppressive, optic, optical, optimal, optimistic, optimum, optional, opulent
oral, orbital, orchestral, orderly, ordinary, organic, organizational, organized, oriental, original, ornamental, ornate, ornery, orphan, orthodox
other, otherwise
ours, out, out-and-out, outboard, outbound, outdated, outdoor, outer, outgoing, outlandish, outlying, outmoded, out-of-court, out-of-pocket, out-of-state, out-of-town, outrageous, outright, outside, outsized, outspoken, outstanding, outward-looking
ovarian, over-40, overall, overblown, overbought, overbuilt, overburdened, overcooked, overcrowded, overcrowding, overdue, overeager, overhead, overhyped, overjoyed, overloaded, overlong, overnight, overpowering, overpriced, overseas, oversize, oversized, overt, over-the-air, over-the-counter, over-the-road, overvalued, overweight, overwhelming, overworked, overwrought, overzealous