Adjectives that end in E

Adjectives ending with the letter E are listed in this post.

ablaze, able, abominable, abortive, above, above-average, abrasive, absentee, absolute, abusive, acceptable, accessible, accountable, accurate, achievable, acquisitive, action-adventure, active, acute, adaptable, addictive, adequate, adhesive, adjustable, adjustable-rate, administrative, admirable, admissible, adorable, adventuresome, adverse, advisable, affable, affectionate, affirmative, affordable, aggregate, aggressive, agreeable, airborne, alive, allowable, all-purpose, all-time, alternate, alternative, amenable, american-made, american-style, amiable, amicable, ample, amust-see, answerable, anti-crime, antique, apiece, appellate, applicable, appreciative, apprehensive, appropriate, approximate, arcane, argentine, assertive, associate, astute, at-large, attentive, attractive, attributable, audible, austere, authoritative, automotive, available, avant-garde, average, averse, avoidable, awake, aware, awesome, azure

back-of-the-envelope, bare, baritone, baroque, beige, believable, below-average, big-league, big-name, big-time, biocine, biodegradable, bizarre, black-and-white, black-tie, blase, blithe, blonde, blue, bona-fide, bothersome, bottom-line, bovine, brain-wave, brand-name, brave, brittle, broke, brunette, brute, burdensome, burlesque, burmese, businesslike, business-like, bygone, byzantine

campaign-finance, canine, capable, captive, carefree, case-by-case, castle-like, cat-and-mouse, cellular-telephone, chance, charitable, chaste, child-abuse, childlike, chinese, citywide, civil-service, clandestine, close, coarse, coercive, cohesive, collaborative, collective, collegiate, combative, come, comfortable, commemorative, commendable, commensurate, commonplace, communicable, companywide, comparable, comparative, compassionate, compatible, competitive, complete, composite, comprehensive, compulsive, computer-service, conceivable, conclusive, concrete, conducive, confederate, congestive, congolese, consecutive, consent-decree, conservative, considerable, constructive, consummate, contraceptive, convertible, cooperative, core, corporate, corrective, cost-effective, counterculture, counterproductive, cradle-to-grave, creative, credible, crude, crystalline, culpable, cumbersome, cumulative, curative, customer-service, custom-made, cute, cut-rate, cutting-edge

daytime, debatable, deceptive, decisive, declarative, declasse, decorative, deductible, defective, defensible, defensive, definite, definitive, degenerative, deliberate, delicate, deliverable, deluxe, dense, dependable, dependent-care, deplorable, derivative, desirable, desolate, desperate, despicable, destitute, destructive, detachable, detectable, diminutive, dire, discernible, discursive, dishonorable, disparate, dispassionate, disposable, disproportionate, disruptive, distinctive, distinguishable, distributable, diverse, divisive, doable, docile, do-or-die, double, drone, drug-free, due, durable, duty-free

edible, eerie, effective, effusive, elaborate, elective, eligible, elite, elusive, english-language, enjoyable, entire, enviable, equitable, error-prone, erstwhile, erudite, estimable, evasive, ever-quotable, evocative, excessive, exclusive, executive, exhaustive, expansive, expatriate, expendable, expensive, exploitative, explosive, expressive, exquisite, extended-range, extensive, extreme

face-to-face, fake, fallible, false, fashionable, favorable, favorite, fearsome, feasible, feeble, fee-for-service, feline, female, feminine, fertile, festive, fickle, fide, fierce, figurative, filigree, fine, finite, first-degree, first-rate, first-time, five-game, five-minute, fixed-rate, flammable, flexible, flex-time, flu-like, footloose, foregone, foreign-exchange, foreseeable, forgettable, formidable, fortress-like, fortunate, forty-one, four-game, four-page, four-stroke, fourth-grade, four-wheel-drive, fragile, free, freelance, free-lance, free-trade, french-language, french-made, front-line, front-page, fugitive, full-page, full-scale, full-service, full-size, full-time, fungible, futile, future

gale, gas-turbine, general-purpose, gentle, genuine, german-made, grandiose, grave, grotesque, growth-and-income, gruesome, gullible

half-acre, handmade, handsome, hardcore, hard-core, hardline, hard-line, hardscrabble, have, health-care, hedge, high-altitude, high-crime, higher-income, high-income, high-octane, high-performance, high-pressure, high-profile, high-rise, high-value, high-volume, high-wire, hoarse, honorable, horrible, hospitable, hostile, huge, humane, humble, husband-and-wife, hyperactive

identifiable, idle, illegitimate, illiterate, imaginable, imaginative, immaculate, immature, immediate, immense, immovable, immune, impassable, impassive, impeccable, impenetrable, imperative, imperceptible, impolite, imponderable, impossible, imprecise, impressive, improbable, impulsive, inaccessible, inaccurate, inactive, inadequate, inappropriate, incalculable, incapable, incompatible, incomplete, incomprehensible, inconceivable, inconclusive, incredible, indecipherable, indecisive, indefinite, indelible, indeterminate, indicative, indigestible, indiscriminate, indispensable, indisputable, indistinguishable, indomitable, industry-wide, ineffective, inescapable, inevitable, inexcusable, inexhaustible, inexorable, inexpensive, inexplicable, infantile, infertile, inflexible, informative, in-home, inhospitable, in-house, inhumane, inimitable, injunctive, innate, innovative, innumerable, inoperable, inordinate, insane, insatiable, insecure, insensitive, inseparable, inside, in-state, instinctive, instructive, insufferable, insurmountable, intangible, intense, intensive, interactive, interchangeable, intercollegiate, interest-free, interest-rate, interest-sensitive, intermediate, interminable, interoffice, interpretive, interstate, intimate, intolerable, intractable, intrauterine, intricate, intrusive, intuitive, inverse, investigative, investment-grade, inveterate, invincible, invisible, irate, irksome, irreconcilable, irreparable, irreplaceable, irrepressible, irresistible, irresponsible, irreversible, irrevocable, italianate

japanese, japanese-style, javanese, joint-venture, justice, justifiable, just-in-time, juvenile


labor-intensive, lame, large, large-scale, large-volume, last-minute, late, laudable, laverne, lebanese, legislative, legitimate, lemon-lime, liable, life-time, light-wave, likable, like, literate, little, live, loathsome, lone, lonesome, long-distance, longer-range, long-life, long-overdue, long-range, longtime, long-time, lookalike, look-alike, loose, lovable, lower-income, low-grade, low-income, low-life, low-price, low-profile, low-wage, lucrative

mainframe, major-league, male, manageable, managed-care, manipulative, man-made, maoist-style, maple, marine, maritime, marketable, market-share, masculine, mass-audience, massive, matinee, mature, measurable, mediocre, medium-size, memorable, mere, middle, middle-age, middle-income, midrange, midsize, mid-size, mid-to-late, mine, miniature, minuscule, minute, miserable, mobile, moderate, moderate-income, monochrome, more, multiple, multipurpose, multi-purpose, multi-valve, mundane, mute

naive, nationwide, native, negative, negligible, neophyte, nettie, new-home, new-issue, nice, night-time, nimble, nipponese, noble, noncelibate, noncompetitive, nonconvertible, non-core, non-executive, non-life, no-nonsense, nonproductive, nonrefundable, non-state, non-trade, nonwhite, notable, noticeable, nouvelle, novice, nude

obese, objectionable, objective, oblique, obscene, obscure, obsessive, obsolete, obstinate, obtuse, octave, off-balance, offensive, off-line, offshore, offstage, oil-price, old-line, old-style, old-time, one-by-one, one-on-one, one-page, onetime, one-time, online, on-line, on-site, opaque, operative, opportune, opposite, oppressive, ornate, otherwise, out-of-state, outside, overdue, oversize

palatable, pale, palliative, palpable, particulate, part-time, passable, passe, passionate, passive, payable, peaceable, penalty-free, percussive, perishable, permissible, pershare, per-share, persuasive, pervasive, perverse, petite, philippine, picturesque, plaintive, plausible, pleasurable, point-of-sale, polite, portable, portuguese, positive, possible, post-game, post-watergate, practicable, precise, predictable, predictive, preemptive, pre-emptive, preferable, pre-game, premature, prescriptive, preventable, preventative, preventive, prime, prime-time, primitive, pristine, private, pro-active, probable, pro-choice, productive, profane, profitable, profligate, programmable, progressive, prohibitive, pro-independence, pro-life, prone, propulsive, prospective, prostrate, protective, provocative, public-service, punishable, punitive, pure, purple, putative

quadruple, quantitative, questionable

radioactive, ramshackle, rank-and-file, rapid-fire, rare, real-life, real-time, reasonable, receptive, rechargeable, reclusive, recognizable, red-and-white, redeemable, redone, re-evaluate, reflective, refundable, regressive, regrettable, relative, reliable, remarkable, remote, removable, renewable, repayable, repetitive, replete, representative, repressive, reproducible, reproductive, repulsive, reputable, requisite, respectable, respective, responsible, responsive, restive, restorative, restrictive, retractable, retroactive, reverse, reversible, rife, right-to-life, ripe, risk-averse, risk-free, roadside, rogue, romanesque, rote, rough-and-tumble, round-table, routine, rude, russian-language

safe, same, same-store, sanguine, scarce, school-age, search-and-seizure, seaside, second-degree, second-place, second-stage, secretive, secure, sedate, seductive, selective, self-destructive, semiliterate, semi-private, sensible, sensitive, separate, serene, serviceable, seven-course, seven-figure, seventh-consecutive, severe, sickle, side, simple, sincere, single, six-figure, six-game, six-lane, six-time, sizable, skin-care, small-scale, small-time, social-welfare, soft-serve, sole, soluble, soon-to-be, sore, spanish-language, spare, sparse, special-purpose, speculative, square, stable, stale, stand-alone, statewide, stay-at-home, sterile, stimulative, stock-price, strange, subjective, sublime, subordinate, substantive, subtle, subversive, successive, suggestive, suitable, superinclusive, supple, supply-side, supportive, sure, sure-fire, surface, surprise, surrogate, survivable, susceptible, sustainable, svelte, systemwide

tailor-made, taiwanese, take-home, tame, tangible, taxable, tax-free, teenage, teen-age, telltale, tense, tentative, terrible, terse, third-rate, three-game, three-judge, three-mile, three-minute, three-page, three-piece, three-time, time-out-of-time, time-share, tiresome, tolerable, toll-free, top-of-the-line, touch-tone, transferable, treatable, triple, trouble-free, troublesome, true, turquoise, twice, twin-engine, two-engine, two-for-one, two-income, two-lane, two-mile, two-minute, two-stroke, two-time, two-tone

ultimate, unable, unacceptable, unaffordable, unalienable, unalterable, unanswerable, unassailable, unattractive, unavailable, unavoidable, unaware, unbearable, unbelievable, uncomfortable, uncompetitive, uncontrollable, uncooperative, undeniable, underage, undergraduate, understandable, under-the-table, undesirable, undue, unenforceable, unfashionable, unfathomable, unfavorable, unfeasible, unflappable, unforgettable, unfortunate, unfree, ungovernable, unimaginable, unimpeachable, uninformative, uninhabitable, unintelligible, unique, unknowable, unmanageable, unmistakable, unmistakeable, unpalatable, unpredictable, unproductive, unprofitable, unquestionable, unreasonable, unrecoverable, unreleasable, unreliable, unremarkable, unresponsive, unsafe, unshakable, unspeakable, unstable, unstoppable, unsuitable, unsure, unsustainable, untenable, unthinkable, untouchable, untrue, unusable, unviable, unwelcome, unwholesome, unwise, unworkable, upper-income, upper-middle, upscale, upstate, up-to-date, urbane, usable

vague, valuable, variable, veggie, venerable, venturesome, veritable, versatile, viable, vietnamese, vintage, virile, visible, volatile, votive, vulnerable

wait-and-see, water-borne, welcome, western-style, white, whole, wholesale, wholesome, wide, wise, workable, worldwide, world-wide, worrisome, worse, worst-case, worthwhile, would-be

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